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Filofax Personal Blossom Review

If you are following me on Instagram, you will know that i recently brought a new Filofax! Yes i know, ANOTHER ONE?!?! I can justify it though! I actually sold my A5 Carpe Diem Planner in order to fund it and not feel so guilty. Anyway, today i thought that i would review this Filofax and show you guys because it truly is beautiful!

I came across this Personal Filofax Blossom on the UK Planner Addicts group. A lovely lady had put it up for sale and i just feel in love when i saw it. I actually only paid £10!!! I could not believe it. It doesn’t even look used. If you were to buy this brand new they average around £30 depending on where you buy it from.

The print of this Filofax is lovely flowers. I love the colours so much. All the colours complement each other especially the yellow with the different colour pinks. The outside of the Filofax is PU fine leather and the inside is PU cream suede. It is defiantly different from the other Filofax’s and planner that i own, however i actually really like it. It is really soft to touch but not in a leather way if that makes sense. This Filofax has a PU strap with concealed popper and a cream elastic pen loop.



The inside of the Filofax Personal Blossom is very different to an average Filofax. This is because the Filofax Blossom does not have any pockets inside. It is completely empty expect from the rings. This for me is actually a plus. I never utilize the pockets inside my planners. I have tried numerous times to make it cute to find functional uses for them, however i just couldn’t and if im honest they used to always bug me. If they were full they would bug me or if they were empty they would bug me. Using this planner means that i don’t have the option so either way i shouldn’t be bugged haha! The ring size of this planner is 19mm which i think is a normal personal ring size.


I love this Filofax because i think it looks different and fun. All my planners are just one plain colour so i really love having one that is funky, fun and different. I hope you have enjoyed seeing this Filofax and you love it as much as i do! If you have any questions or comments please leave them below!

I hope you have a lovely weekend,

Zoe oxoxo

10 thoughts on “Filofax Personal Blossom Review

  1. I bought one in a sale a while back, with birthday money. It is being stored safely to be more fully used for when I have a garden and is being used for notes and pictures from gardening articles and gardens to visit.


  2. That’s lovely. I’m not sure how I would feel not having pockets on the inside. I don’t put much in mine, but I like having them there. Would love to see your final set-up Zoe.


    1. Yeah, it is a little different. It looks kinda strange having nothing there but i’m getting used to it.

      I’m actually using this planner at the moment and i love it. I will post a final set up in the next week or so! Thank you so much for the idea.


    1. I love the look of stuffed pockets however it just doesn’t work for me if that makes sense. I can never get it to look nice. I think i put pressure on myself to make them look “cute” or something. Least this way i haven’t got the option.


    1. Thank you! I just love how different and pretty it is. Aw I hope you love it! I’m a big Filofax lover (if you can’t tell) I have never actually tried the Filofax Sketch, your have to let me know how it is! 🙂


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